Technology helps Muslims during Ramadan

As technology becomes more involved in our day-to-day lives, it also starts to play a bigger part in religion as well. During the month of Ramadan, technology has become an important role in making sure people follow the essential requirements for Ramadan. There are apps that have been created to show the local times of sunrise and sunset so that Muslims know they need to be fasting. YouTube is a place where people can watch lessons and lectures about Islam. Phone alarms are very useful for Muslims and help them remember when it is time to pray. Professor Noreen Herzfeld at the College of St. Benedict firmly believes that technology helps the practical side of Islam. “"I think that technology is more useful for Muslims than Christians might find it," she said. "Islam is a very practical religion.” She continues on, “Islam lays out the things you need to do, like pray and fast.” Many people feel like technology helps them during Ramadan and keeps them held accountable for fasting.

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