CFP CyberOrient: Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East

A special issue of the Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East, CyberOrient, invites papers from all disciplines and methodologies that explore how we might define wars in a (new) media-age in the region; whether, why, and how (new) media are increasingly sites of warfare; the relationships between ‘virtual’ and ‘real’ battle spaces.

Cyber Orient is a peer-reviewed journal published by the American Anthropological Association, in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and serves to provide research and theoretical considerations on the representation of Islam and the Middle East, the very areas that used to be styled as an “Orient”, in cyberspace, as well as the impact of the internet and new media in Muslim and Middle Eastern contexts.

Example topics of significance include but are not limited to the significance of
targeting (and bombing), telecommunications and media infrastructures,
the use of (new) media as outlets for propaganda during wartime, and the
medicalization of war and the militarization of media.

Articles should be 6,000 and 8,000 words, follow the AAA style in refrencing and citations, and be submitted directly to Helga Tawil-Souri ( and Vit Sisler ( Upon acceptance, articles will be published online with free access in spring 2015.

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