CFP for new issue of “Gamevironments. Games, religion, and stuff”

Gamevironments has a call for papers for their summer 2016 issue. Gamevironments journal focuses on studying gaming and religion and spotlighting themes and approaches to it. The journal is an international and multidisciplinary collaboration effort by the University of Bremen in Germany and the University of Helsinki in Finland. Gamevironments was influenced by evidence that suggests video games play a huge role in culture, religion, and society. The journal encourages writers to discuss video games/gaming and religion, culture, and society in the diverse global video game and gaming landscape. Writers can include different categories of text including: regular academic articles, interviews, research reports, book reviews, and game reviews.

Deadlines for the regular issue: Summer 2016
October 15, 2015- Publication Call for Paper
January 15, 2016- Full Chapter Submission
February 28, 2016- Review Results Returned
April 30, 2016- Revised Chapter Submission
June 31, 2016- Online Publication

For more information, please refer to: