Pope Francis says we have a technology problem

This week, Pope Francis said that people have become too dependent on computers. Although he takes selfies and takes Twitter by storm, he hasn't used a computer or watched TV in years. The article highlighted that the Internet does have a positive side where it can unite people, but as a society we don't use it necessarily for the best reasons. The Catholic Church has had issues with technology based on their past experiences. The printing press made the corruption and disorder so public, which caused a lot of problems for the church. Technological developments have had an effect on the church's power and social position as well. The irony of the Pope's statement is that he himself has his own Twitter account. You can look at technology and religion in many different ways and see that there are both positives and negatives to the Internet.

For more information, please refer to: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/06/14/pontifex-says-we-have-a...