CFP: CyberOrient Online Journal

CyberOrient Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East has a call for papers for their special issue over constructing and consuming gender through media. The aim for the issue is to bring together scholarly work on a range of Middle Eastern and Muslim cultural media products. They are interested in how products are received, imagined, and consumed in the every day of audiences and understand the complex responses of media audiences. Some examples of media products include:
-Talk shows
-Music, games
-YouTube videos

Guiding questions for articles:
-To what extent are cultural media products embedded with an ideological agenda or a blueprint for ‘ideal’ gender relations?
-How do audiences respond to media products’ prescriptions on gender and/or lifestyle?
-In what ways does consumer culture play into the media products?

Submission articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words and include references and following the AAA style. The deadline is January 10, 2016 for full papers and the people selected will have their articles published online in summer 2016.

For more information, please refer to:;jsessionid=9B343D1E90476212E8C2FE28...