THEOCOM 15 gathers theologians on digital media

Santa Clara University, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Pontifical Council for Social Communication is hosting a gathering of theologians–on digital communications focused around the theme of Religious/Theological Authority in a Digital World. THEOCOM15, to be held June 28-30, 2015, will explore the theological question of authority in the digital world. We invite participants to reflect on this theme in the light of the scriptural and theological tradition in ways that open up contemporary communication to ongoing theological reflection.
Topics in focus:
• Exploring authority via key scriptural, theological, spiritual and historical lenses.
• Investigating how theological authority manifests in digital culture
• Envisioning institutional, pedagogical and ministerial implications for religious authority in a digital world
Registration of $550 includes room and board for three days/nights (Sunday through Wednesday morning) on the campus of Santa Clara University. Partial scholarships are available; please