Synopsis of Heidi Campbell's webinar

Dr. Heidi A. Campbell hosted a private webinar for her new book, Digital Creatives and the Rethinking of Religious Authority on December 9th, 2020. The event included over 20 professors, lecturers, PhD students, and more who had applied to participate from all over the world. Guest speakers Rich Ling and Giulia Evolvi both gave responses on specific chapters from Dr. Campbell’s book and led small breakout discussions during the event. All participants had the opportunity to ask questions and bring up ideas during the breakout groups, as well as participate in large group discussions of the concepts in the book.

This webinar served as an opportunity for mentors and students in the fields of communication, technology, and religion to further develop their understanding of religious authority in a digital era, as well as offer ideas, tools, and concepts for future research. Due to the large number of applicants this first webinar had, Dr. Campbell is looking forward to planning a second webinar for the beginning of 2021.