Hey Muslim Girl

Hey Muslim Girl memes use different pictures of Ryan Gosling and witty phrases to connect ideas within Islamic marriage with today's popular culture in a humorous way.

"Hey Muslim Girl" memes stem from the larger "Hey Girl" meme tradition. This specific type of meme uses different pictures of the famous actor Ryan Gosling to play on the tradition of marriage within the Muslim culture. They include messages that portray Ryan Gosling as a doting, single man who wishes to follow the Muslim traditions of marriage because he has fallen for a Muslim woman. Many times the picture will coincide with the message of the meme. For instance, the sample meme talks about Mr. Gosling's gaze and uses a picture of him staring directly at the camera. The memes are used to mimic and slightly poke fun at the strict Muslim rituals that accompany marriage and pre-marriage. The tone of these memes is very sarcastic because of the very remote chance that Ryan Gosling will ever convert to Islam. Some might say it is a "dream-like" meme. This is a light-hearted type of meme created mostly by practicing Muslims. Many of the messages are very difficult to understand for those who do not practice Islam, which makes this type of meme very exclusive. To those who understand the practices of marriage within Islam, however, these memes provide an aspect of humor to an otherwise serious subject.

History & Origins: 
"Hey Muslim Girl" memes began on a website called Muslim Ryan Gosling where a Muslim woman took the popular "Hey Girl" memes and made them applicable to women in the Muslim tradition.

Religious Affiliation:

Meme Messages:

Meme Humor:

Religious Message Frame:

Meme Derivations

A derivative of the "Hey Muslim Girl" memes that have become very popular
A derivative of the "Hey Muslim Girl" memes that have become very popular
a derivative of the "Hey Muslim Girl" memes that have become very popular