
  • CFP for new issue of “Gamevironments. Games, religion, and stuff”

    Gamevironments has a call for papers for their summer 2016 issue. Gamevironments journal focuses on studying gaming and religion and spotlighting themes and approaches to it. The journal is an international and multidisciplinary collaboration effort by the University of Bremen in Germany and the University of Helsinki in Finland. Gamevironments was influenced by evidence that suggests video games play a huge role in culture, religion, and society.

  • New article about religion and gaming recently released a new article about gaming and religion. In the paper it focuses on the method of complete participant observation-style virtual ethnography and how it was used to study sacred objects and rituals in World of Warcraft, the virtual world of Azeroth. The researcher also highlights a few interesting challenges that one must overcome when using an ethnographic study in an MMORPG.

  • Global Christian Hackathon

    This past weekend, 13 cities participated in a 48-hour hackathon, where more than 800 Christian coders, developers, programmers, designers, pastors, and artists all joined together to develop new apps and websites for global and local followers to the faith. A few of the cities that took part include: Jakarta, Bangalore, Addis Ababa, Guatemala City, London, Waterloo, Atlanta, and Raleigh-Durham. Hackathons have become very popular and are a great way to develop new tech tools to solve a problem or to get into a potential new market.

  • #YesImAChristian tag draws attention to religion in shooting

    After the mass shooting at a community college in Oregon, many people have taken part of a social media movement that supports Christians. #YesImAChristian was all over Twitter recently as well as people changing their profile pictures on social media. This all started on Thursday when a gunman asked Umpqua Community College students if they were Christians. For those that said they were a Christian, he told them they would “see God in just about one second” before he opened fire. 9 people were killed from the shooting. On Friday, the hashtag #YesImAChristian flooded social media.

  • Article explores the changing stereotypes of Palestinians and Israelis

    New Media & Society had an article that explored the changing stereotypes of Palestinians and Israelis through videogame play. In the experiment, 172 participants were randomly assigned to be either an Israeli or a Palestinian leader in a game called PeaceMaker. In PeaceMaker, it was a videogame simulation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Before and after playing the game for 20 minutes, each participant was assessed for explicit and implicit attitudes towards Israelis and Palestinians.

  • New Jewish Apps

    Apps are turning into a new way for people to find daily inspiration and to learn more about religion. The Huffington Post recently shared an article that featured 6 Jewish-Themed apps. These apps allow easy access to information about faith as well as ways to help users during special Jewish holy days. Ari Werth, creator of TorahChannel on YouTube, decided to create a Jewish app. On the app users can access playlists on Jewish holidays, history, law, and music. Here is a list of more Jewish-themed apps:

  • CFP: The International Journal of Media and Culture

    The International Journal of Media and Culture has a special issue call for papers. The topic is over Self-(re)presentation and aims to showcase different approaches to self-(re)presentation. Submissions are due December 30, 2015. The following is a list of suggested topics to include:

  • CFP: ACLA 2016 Annual Meeting

    The American Comparative Literature Association has a call for papers for the 2016 Annual Meeting, which will be held on March 17-20, 2016 at Harvard University. Specifically, there is a seminar over Public Humanities in a Digital Age. Suggested topics include:

  • ISMRC Doctoral Colloquium Pre-Conference

    The International Society for Media, Religion and Culture has a call for papers for the Doctoral Colloquium Pre-Conference. The date for the pre-conference is August 1, 2016. The forum will be from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. before the main conference begins. The goal of the pre-conference is to give doctoral students the opportunity to share their research and receive feedback from people who are leaders in this field, network with peers, and discuss theoretical, methodological and professional challenges. Submissions should follow these guidelines:

  • CFP: CyberOrient Online Journal

    CyberOrient Online Journal of the Virtual Middle East has a call for papers for their special issue over constructing and consuming gender through media. The aim for the issue is to bring together scholarly work on a range of Middle Eastern and Muslim cultural media products. They are interested in how products are received, imagined, and consumed in the every day of audiences and understand the complex responses of media audiences. Some examples of media products include:
    -Talk shows
    -Music, games


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