
Success Kid

Success Kid Christian is a meme series depicting the successful outcome of following the Christian religion, by taking the beliefs of the religion and correlating them to appealing events. Success Kid Christian affirms the Christian beliefs and lifestyles.

Christian Hate Meme

One of the main stereotypes and beliefs of Christians is summarized in this meme. The assumption in this meme is one of the most common statements made by non-believers towards Christians. In the Bible Christians are called to love everyone just as Christ did and because nobody is perfect some Christians fall short and judge those who are not believers. This meme attacks the Christian faith by mocking the Christian for telling people they are Christ-like while constantly judging and hating those who do not believe in God.

Evolution and the Talking Snake

In this meme the author uses facts within the Bible as evidence against the Christian in order to prove their point. The rhetoric in this meme is also very condescending towards Christians because it compares two difficult concepts in order to prove that both are equally hard to understand. This comparison is used to show the Christian that not only do they act in a superior way but that they also believe their concepts to be completely comprehensible and understandable.

Church Bragging Meme

This meme is very similar to the parent meme because it exaggerates the belief that Christians believe they are better than everyone else. The text in this meme is very condescending and superior towards the Christian which gives this meme the humor that it has. The rhetoric is explaining how the Christian thinks he/she is inferior and more perfect yet it is ironic because the author of this meme uses text to down-play their belief by using rhetoric that is one-upping the non-believer. This meme can be seen as encouraging and discouraging to the believer and non-believer.

Christians read the Bible

The meme above depicts that Christians state that they firmly follow the Bible, then shows what is sometimes the reality in that people who state they are Christians do not even read the religious text of their stated religion.

Scumbag Christian

Scumbag Christian memes use a compilation of images that associate the character with hypocritical biblical beliefs and homophobic attitudes. The meme series uses an image of Christian actor/evangelist Kirk Cameron wearing a Scumbag Steve hat and advice animal text to communicate contradictory Christian beliefs or actions. Scumbag Christian memes are meant to communicate the contradictions that Christian believers do that non-Christian people observe in regards to their beliefs/lifestyle.


@HoodJesusYo is a Twitter account that's mission according to the bio is, "A unique ministry sharing tha Gospel with all my fam." The verbiage used by @HoodJesusYo is unique and uses slang that changes words from their original form that are shortened and different. For example, the Twitter account changes, "you to u," and "the to tha." The Twitter account is targeted for both those who are Christians, and those who are Non-Christians. As the mission statement says, it is a ministry that is spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and is understood by Christians.

Condescending Wonka

The Condescending Wonka is considered to be the “advice animals” category and as the name suggests the captions can be characterized as patronizing and sarcastic. The “advice animals” (which include humans) are memes accompanied by captioned text to represent a character trait or archetype that fits the role of a “stock character.” Condescending Wonka is a natural play on the patronizing and condescending nature of Willy Wonka.

Sheltering Suburban Christian Mom

As a stock character meme about religion, this meme uses humor of incongruity to critique lived religion, beliefs, and values of Christians by using the image of Carly Philips to emulate a Christian suburban mom. By using humor of incongruity, the meme highlights contradictory matter within lived religion of Christians such as when it states that a Christian "Loves The Teachings of Jesus" but " Won't Give a Homeless Guy A Dollar". This specific meme series was created by users within a generally non-religious community.

First World Christian Meme


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