Stefan Bratosin

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Real name: 
Paul Valéry University of Montpellier (Iarsic-Corhis)
Bio Statement: 
Stefan Bratosin is Full Professor at Paul Valéry University of Montpellier 3, France. He holds a PhD in Reformed Theology and a PhD in Communication and Information Sciences at University Charles de Gaulle Lille 3, France. He supervises PhD Candidates in the following fields: online religion/religion online, public sphere, laïcité (secularity) and religious organizations, media and religion Responsibilities: Stefan Bratosin is Associate director of the research laboratory CORHIS EA 7400 (Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier) and director of the international network of researchers Institute for Advanced Religious Studies and Communications Internetworking (IARSIC). The aim of this network is to facilitate interdisciplinary passages participating from theology, philosophy and communication sciences in the context of the changing and trans disciplinary culture of the digital humanities. He is also the editor of Essachess - Journal for Communication Studies, the only French journal in communication sciences to promote in French and English language original contributions in the field of social, cultural, symbolic or economic communication. Research areas and publications: Religion, (new)media, networks, and production of meaning within the institutionalized social spaces. He questions the relationship between the Christian classical and digital media with the public sphere He is also at the origine of an immersion research carried out as part of the program "Signs and Symbols" which he is the director and moderator, and which is broadcast by Hope Channel STV). Bratosin, S., Tudor, M.A. & Coman, I. « La pratique du sacré dans le World Wide Web : une expérience innovante de la norme », Sciences de la Société, n°81/ 2012 (paper version), p. 123-134 ; Bratosin, S., Tudor, MA, « New Media and Comunicating the Sacred », in D Balaban, I Hosu and M Mucundorfeanu, PR Trend, Mittweida, Mittweida Hochschulverlag, 2013 ; Bratosin, S., « Church in the public sphere: production of meaning between rational and irrational », in Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideology, Vol 13, No 38, Summer 2014, p. 3-20 ; BRATOSIN, S., « Christian media in the society. The case of television program Signs and Symbols », in Proceedings of PFA, Bucarest, Editions Didactique et Pédagogique, 2014, p. 119-127. Bratosin, S. & Tudor, MA (dirs), Espace public et communication de la foi, Les Arcs, éd. Iarsic, 2014 ; Bratosin, S. & Tudor, MA, Communicating Faith and Sacred in the Public Sphere, Les Arcs, éd. Iarsic, 2014 ; Bratosin, S. “La foi et le langage : paradigmes de sens pour les médias », in Bratosin, S. (ed) Médias, spiritualité et laïcité: regards croisés franco-roumains, Les Arcs, éd. Iarsic, 2015, p. 9-30 ; Bratosin, S., « La liberté religieuse, enjeu culturel dans le choc des civilisations »,in Diop, G. et al. (eds), Journal for the Liberty of Expression, dossier « Legislation, ethics and religion: an approach in the context of religious freedom », International Association for the Defense of Religious Liberty (USA), The Institute for Peace Studies in Eastern Christianity (Harvard University, The Institute for Advanced Religious Studies and Internetworking Communication, Center for Oxford Mission (University of Middlesex), USA, Grande Bretagne, France, Iarsic, 2015, p. 558-571 ; Bratosin, S., La nouthésie par la poésie : médiations des croyances chrétiennes. De l'hymnographie communautaire à la communication organisationnelle dans l'adventisme roumain du 20ème siècle, col. « Religions et sciences humaines », Paris, l’Harmattan, 2004.
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