Dean Blevins

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Real name: 
Nazarene Theological Seminary
Bio Statement: 
The Reverend Dean G. Blevins, Ph.D. currently serves as Professor of Practical Theology and Christian Discipleship at Nazarene Theological Seminary. An active scholar, Dean has contributed to several books and published over 60 church related or scholarly articles. In addition currently serves as an editor of the Horizons in Religious Education book series, and senior editor of Didache: Faithful Teaching, an on-line academic journal. Dr. Blevins' interests include the study of religion as it intersects with science, technology, and media. His publications include: “Between Athens and Berlin... and Myspace: Wesleyan Reflections on Theological Education in a Digital Era” Allelon Publishing (February 2007) available online (accessed 5/01/2007) at “Story Telling or Storied Telling?” Media's Pedagogical Ability to Shape Narrative as a Form of "Knowing" Religious Education 102, no. 3 (Summer 2007), 250-63 “Technology and the Transformation of Persons” Christian Education Journal Series 3, vol. 5, no. 1 (Spring 2008), 138-53. "Brain Matters: Neuroscience and Creativity.” Religious Education (August 2012) 107:4 324-338. ‘Transformational Insights from Neuroscience” Christian Education Journal Series 3 (Fall 2013) 10:2, 407-423. “Brains on Fire: Neuroscience and the Gift of Youth” The Journal of Youth Ministry (Spring 2014) 12:2, 7-25. “Curriculum Design and Social Media: 140 Characters at a Time. Christian Education Journal Series 3 (Fall, 2015) 12:2, 430-440. Dean currently resides in Olathe Kansas with his wife JoAnn.
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